

Jan 13, 2021

I had a client call today where I shared with her a practice that has been helping me to create more happiness each day and we all know that is not easy right now as we face this global pandemic. I know it’s helping me tremendously and it sounds like my client is excited to give it a try…

Okay, so if you’ve ever worked with me then you know I’m a big fan of morning routines that center you for your day. A few weeks or so ago, I was in the midst of my morning routine and heard the subtle guidance to “mix it up!”  Basically, I was getting a “message” from the Universe…

The outcome was this. We are not in normal times, the way we move through each day has changed, so in order for us to feel joyful, happy, and more fulfilled we must make sure to do something different or new every day to inspire these emotions within us. 


  • Wake up and stretch first instead of having coffee and...

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Demystifying Channeling in Business

Oct 17, 2020

I want to share a story with you.

It was a while back when an older gentleman asked me what I did for work, not an uncommon question right? We all get asked this question all the time but my response, on the other hand, perplexes people. So what do I do…?

Here was my answer:

ME: “I help people illuminate the blind spots in their lives, personally and professionally.”

Man: “ What does that mean? “ “Therapy ?”

Me: “ More like a coach I guess, as a channeler and intuitive success advisor, I have the ability to help people see what they can’t see in order to make rapid changes in their lives, their wealth, their business, you know, stuff like that.”

Man: “Sounds spiritual and woo-woo to me, do you really make money?”

ME: Laughing… “of course, listen we all want to live better lives, to make more money and be happier but sometimes doing it on our own can be more difficult and take longer. I simply...

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